Byrd Cancer Education & Advocacy Foundation

Byrd Cancer Education & Advocacy Foundation

All Things Cancer & Wellness Expo

Bringing together individuals from all walks of life to foster knowledge-sharing, provide support and empowerment, and encourage collaborative efforts in the relentless pursuit of advancing wellness and eliminating cancer.

All Things Cancer + Wellness Expo

The Byrd Cancer Education & Advocacy Foundation is thrilled to announce our “All Things Cancer & Wellness Expo”, proudly sponsored by Touch, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance. This event is dedicated to bringing together individuals from all walks of life to foster knowledge-sharing, provide support and empowerment, and encourage collaborative efforts in the relentless pursuit of advancing wellness and eliminating cancer.

Our Expo aims to elevate cancer awareness, promote healthy living, and will be offering free Bexa Breast Exams to attendees. Additionally, free confidential HIV testing will be available to the community, recognizing the heightened cancer risk for individuals with HIV due to a weakened immune system.

Event Details:

Date: April 27, 2024

Location: MQFactory, 126 Leverington Ave, Philadelphia Pa 19127

Time: 10am-5pm

Admission: Free – TICKET(S) HERE

We’re especially thrilled about our premiere documentary screening of “A Letter to My Sisters: the Erica Jo Robinson Story.”

Erica Jo Robinson’s life story is a testament to resilience and purpose. Shaped by a tapestry of diverse experiences, Erica has emerged as no ordinary woman but one chosen for a remarkable mission.

Her path to self-discovery has been marked by moments of both pride and regret, particularly during the darkest times when she learned to silence her emotions and listen to the quiet voice within. Erica believes that this inner voice holds the key to understanding the intricacies of our thoughts, a belief she gained during her courageous confrontations with fear and pain.

Surviving stage 4b adenocarcinoma, a type of cancer that starts in mucus-producing (glandular) cells. Erica faced adversity head-on. Astonishingly, even while grappling with both COVID and cancer simultaneously, she remained practically asymptomatic.

It was in these challenging moments that her relentless pursuit of authenticity reached new heights, revealing a commitment to her true self that was unwavering.

As a best-selling co-author in the HER Story Anthology book collection, Erica stands as an aspiring public speaker and a beacon of light. Her life’s lessons, learned through triumphs and tribulations, have not only trained and fortified her but have uniquely prepared her for the present moment.

Erica Jo Robinson’s narrative is a profound and inspiring one, set against the backdrop of her cancer diagnosis. Her story goes beyond imagination, embodying the strength found in vulnerability and the beauty that arises from confronting life’s challenges.

Our distinguished panel of speakers will address crucial topics, including healthcare disparities, Genetic Testing TRUTHS vs. MYTHS, Clinical Trial TRUTHS vs. MYTHS, Family Cancer and Medical History, and insights into the pre- and post-diagnosis journey.

Meet Our Panelist

All Things Cancer & Wellness Expo Sponsors